Go-Karting Night - January 11, 2019
New semester, so off to the races! Start off your semester right by joining us for our Go-Karting Night on January 11th. Race your friends and meet some new people!
WHEN: Friday, January 11, 2019. 5:30pm- 7:00pm.
WHERE: TBC Racing 2100 Viceroy PI, Richmond, BC V6V 1Y6
WHAT TO BRING/WEAR: Active clothing is recommended, but not required. Where shoes/boots that are easy to walk in.
Bring your camera for some great photos. A snack and water is recommended.
DEADLINE: Register by Monday January 7, 2019
From the Surrey Campus you can take the #301 bus all the way to Southbound Garden City Rd and Lansdowne Rd right next to the Richmond Campus. From there, jump on the #405 bus to Bridgeport Rd and Viking Way. After that it's a 21 minute walk up to the Go-Kart Facility. In total it should take around 1 hour and 30 minutes.
If you are driving, park at your own risk.
Student: FREE
Non-Student: $30
If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
* If there is low registration for events, Active KSA reserves the right to cancel an event with short notice. Watch for email updates about the event in the week before the event.
**Active KSA reserves the right to refuse participants in future outings if participants sign-up for an outing and no show. Spaces are limited.
WHEN: Friday, January 11, 2019. 5:30pm- 7:00pm.
WHERE: TBC Racing 2100 Viceroy PI, Richmond, BC V6V 1Y6
WHAT TO BRING/WEAR: Active clothing is recommended, but not required. Where shoes/boots that are easy to walk in.
Bring your camera for some great photos. A snack and water is recommended.
DEADLINE: Register by Monday January 7, 2019
From the Surrey Campus you can take the #301 bus all the way to Southbound Garden City Rd and Lansdowne Rd right next to the Richmond Campus. From there, jump on the #405 bus to Bridgeport Rd and Viking Way. After that it's a 21 minute walk up to the Go-Kart Facility. In total it should take around 1 hour and 30 minutes.
If you are driving, park at your own risk.
Student: FREE
Non-Student: $30
If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
* If there is low registration for events, Active KSA reserves the right to cancel an event with short notice. Watch for email updates about the event in the week before the event.
**Active KSA reserves the right to refuse participants in future outings if participants sign-up for an outing and no show. Spaces are limited.